Tuesday, July 6, 2010

library orientation prep

So far, i've developed the background/history of cuba and it's revolution, but i have yet to mention the embargo and why it needs to be lifted. in a sense, i have established the reasons why an embargo woul dbe unfair, but at the same time i have lost focus and jumped on the "anti-american" bandwagon. my work needs much revision, but hopefully within the coming weeks i will have a solid idea set into my work.

for this, i will need expert opinion, facts, statistics, polls, and a timeline to show gaining support of lifting the embargo and how it has not worked government reports and legal documents would be nice, but the America holds a grudge against Cuba, that's like saying on paper "yeah, we were wrong." i could use some books, but that would only aid my history rant, which i need to cut back on. when it comes to the web, i could upload videos of old castro/ guavara speeches to give people a different perspective w/o having american politicians at the time tell them that it's communist ranting.

1 comment:

  1. Jon, you do need to focus and you don't have too many coming weeks left. If I were you I would focus on the reasons for embargoes, sanctions, and then whether or not they have fulfilled their purpose. These purposes I imagine were economic, to stifle economic growth, the people would suffer and then retaliate against their leader. Too often we find this doesn't happen. You need the facts to prove these statements.
