Wednesday, July 14, 2010

image analysis

this is the about the last image in my blog (one on top)
"Che Guevara Familia" 1963 "Oficia de Asuntos Historicos del Consejo de Estado de Cuba.
This image captures Che and his family in black and white, so if you know nothing about the man, the image conveys that he was a family man. They are all on a couch, Che in the somewhat-middle, with his children all on top of him, and they all seem to be happy. If it were to be looked at differently, you still can see the intensity in his eyes, suggesting that there was something on his mind, or that they all aren't smiling big, suggesting that the family was worried, but mainly that this was a man who loved his family and was loved in return. They look to be in a living room in a decent house, probably in Cuba in you knew the history of the man. The picture was taken from wikimedia, who got it from a historical office from Cuba, so it seems pretty legitimate. There are no restrictions on this picture, so it's open to the public. As balance and all those terms, this was a family photo meant to capture the moment, not to be deconstructed artistically, but on that note, it seems to be a well-rounded photo.

1 comment:

  1. good analysis Jon. I wish the photo was posted above the analysis so I wouldn't have to go elsewhere to look for it.
