Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Library databases

Fuentes, Leonardo Padura (July/August 2009). "Obama's Cuba Challenge." New Internationalist, Issue 423 p.34-35 2p.

Using the library databases, this particular article written by Cuban journalist Leonardo Fuentes answers more directly why the embargo should end. He does not necessarily blame Castro for what the state of his country, but he does say that yes, he uses it as a scapegoat and rallies support using it. In short, the embargo hinders the countries growth and has not promoted democracy and freedom, but the exact opposite.

Suguin, Denis (2/12/2007). "Viva La Evolucion." Canadian Business, Vol. 80 Issue 4 doi 00083100.

In this article, Suguin claims that while politics may not be spoken freely on the streets, Cuba is nearly a goldmine for the Canadian economy in terms of nickel and oil, but oil in Cuba may b e in danger due to the Straits of Florida, which may drain out any oil fields in Cuba, but it is very unlikely. Since there have been no talks between the U.S. and Cuba, Cuba being treated as part of the unspoke "axis of evil", Canada stands the most to gain by trading with Cuba. By lifting the embargo, however, Cuban business and trade will increase expenentially and benefit all parties.

1 comment:

  1. You have a lot of interesting articles to read Jon. Take a second look at the references. They should be in APA format, not MLA.

    Which databases did you use to locate these?
